Friday, October 1, 2010

A much needed vacation

3 more weeks of Abraxane down and I have another week "off".  The past month has been relatively un-eventful.  I'm getting back into a bit of a routine with chemo every Wednesday.  It breaks up my work week nicely!  Perhaps a little too nicely?  I've found myself slipping back into my old work habits... and I have promised myself that I would manage my hours and stress better... that will be an ongoing battle, I suspect.

The timing for my "off week" was perfect though... my client had some big regional meetings that we were supporting, so I was able to participate in the meetings in Philly & Orlando on Tuesday & Wednesday.  The meetings went very well and it was really touching to hear from the sales managers, with whom I've interacted over the years, express concern for my health and good wishes for my healing. 

After the Orlando meeting, I headed down to Fort Lauderdale and met up with Charlene and Regan for a mini vacation at Bob's.  Despite the 5am morning wake-up call from Regan, it was a much-needed break from work and life.  I am so thankful to Bob & Brian for hosting us this weekend!


  1. Just reading your last note as well, wish I was there with you at that meeting. It sucks to not be able to speak your truth, anD I would guess that is the whole point of those meetings. Too bad there is not a moderator. I am guessing that when you were going 5 years ago you would not have wanted the woman across the table struggling with recurrent disease to be swallowing anger and bitterness, feeling fearful and isolated, would not have wanted her to cry alone in her car plotting ways to never have to be at that meeing again. Even if it is scarey to imagine that recurrent disease can happen it must be part of the story that is now yours and their lives, leaving the comfort zone is ......uncomfortable, those women are probably tough and would benefit from what you have to share about your experience. I know I have.
    love you, Katie

  2. I've just read Katie's note here after writing mine on the entry below this one... I agree 100%. Maybe it would be helpful to go back and speak what you've written? Helpful for you, helpful for the others?
