Thursday, July 14, 2011

ding ding ding...round 3...

I got a call from Dr C yesterday morning (at 7:15am - early!) and he confirmed what I, somehow, already knew.  While the bone scan and lung CT looked stable, there is clear progression in the liver.  As Dr C put it -- the good and bad news is that this tumor is quite content to just throw a party in your liver. 

Because this progression came within 6 months of my last dose of Abraxane, it's an indication that the tumor was beginning to adapt to the Abraxane and grow in spite of it (it couldn't have grown this much in just 4 months).  We'll be changing up the weaponry and the tentative plan (pending insurance approval) is to attack it with two new chemo drugs:
The stomach pains that started just before our trip to Africa have gotten a bit worse and I knew that was a sign that things were just not right.  I'm so thankful that I know my body as well as I do.   I'm thankful that Mike and I took the trip to Kenya when we did.  It gave us two weeks to focus on us and not think about cancer or work or any of the normal-everyday-unimportant-issues that we stress about.  We focused on the beauty around us and between us and for that, I am truly thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you tomorrow. Sending love from California.
    - Sarah
