Wednesday, July 14, 2010

5 and 1

Chemo was moved from Wed to Tuesday this week so that Dr Cairoli can make it to a breast cancer conference in Boston.  I was a bit nervous about going in in the afternoon (3:15pm appointment -- was afraid they'd be crazy busy) but things went really smoothly.  We were in and out in just about 2 hours, which is an official record.

We brought in a calendar to try to plan chemo around our trip to Rochester and were really pleased with the plan Dr C came up with.  My counts have been really good, so instead of 3 weeks on - 1 week off, I am going to do 5 weeks on - 1 week off (for this first cycle only), giving me the entire week off to stay up in Rochester between Bob's wedding and my 16th high school reunion.  We've rented a house on Sodus Bay for the week with Charlene, Jeremy and Regan (Otis is going too) so this gives us a bit more time to stay upstate! 

Today hit me pretty hard.  I moved from the bed to the couch at 9:30 --- next time I opened my eyes it was noon!  Somehow I am still tired... but thankful to have the day to recover.  Back to work tomorrow and Friday (probably partial days but planning to actually go into the office).  I enjoy getting into the office to see everyone -- kind of funny to look forward to going to work!


  1. I am set to call you about your trip up to Roch. Liked your last post, tried to leave comments but am having a hard time with the Google thing. I tried to tell you that seeing your lovely smile and hearing your real, genuine words, even the hard truth, would make me not mind being your "chemo buddy", it I was Janelle. Be gentle with yourself.
    love, Katie

  2. So glad that you will have something to look forward to. Stay strong and listen to your body, even if it means sleeping all day (trust me, I've done it). xoxo Jen
